Strawberry Fields Fall Salad
5 Minutes
2 Servings
Get to Know this recipe
Did you know that day-neutral strawberries can be harvested until the first frost? That means you can enjoy them well into the fall, which makes these super simple salad a great choice. And, with only three ingredients, the simplicity leads you right to a bowl of deliciousness.
This recipe is so simple; it's almost embarrassing. But if you have already guessed, I'm interested in simple and delicious, and this salad is precisely that. To prepare this salad, all you need are some strawberries, carrots, and grapeseed oil. If you would like, you can also top with a pinch of salt and parsley. First, slice a handful of strawberries, then shred a medium-size carrot and top with a tablespoon of grapeseed or olive oil.
So why am I choosing to bring you this salad? It is because of those three ingredients. Let's start with strawberries. Only one cup of strawberries contains 100% of your daily vitamin C recommended intake. They have also been linked to cancer prevention and are high in antioxidants, decrease inflammation, and help control age-related weight gain. However, be aware that the Environmental Working Group (EGW) places strawberries on it's top 12 dirty lists. 3 This means they are more likely than other fruits to contain harmful pesticides, so this is a fruit that is best to buy organic.
The next ingredient is carrots. Carrots are not on the EGW Top 12 Dirty list, so you can purchase them organic or not depending on your personal preference. Always wash your fruit and vegetables thoroughly to avoid any lingering contamination. Now, let's get to the good stuff about carrots. Studies have shown that falcarinol help to fight against cancer by destroying pre-cancerous cells. Additionally, carrots are full of Vitamin A, which turns into the powerful antioxidant- Beta Carotene in the human body.
Lastly, let's take a look at grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil is high in antioxidants and, therefore, has been found useful at disease prevention. Reduction of swelling caused by injury and resolving poor circulation are two additional benefits of grapeseed oil.
Top the salad with a pinch of parsley, shown to remove toxins from the body, and you are winning with this combination. Carnosol, flavonoids, and luteolin all take part in parsley's fight against cancer cells.

How to Make
Be sure to clean all of your fruits and veggies before you get started
Slice strawberries
Use a grater to grate the carrot
Add a pinch of Parsley
Thoroughly clean your fruit and vegetables. Slice your strawberries and shred the carrot. Mix in a bowl with a tablespoon of Grapeseed oil and a pinch of Parsley. Next, enjoy!
2 Cups of Strawberries
1 Large Carrot
1 Tbsp. of Grapeseed Oild
Pinch of Parsley