There is a common theme in cancer prevention and healing books. The theme is the promotion of juicing as a way to health cancer naturally. It's a subject that comes up time and again as a way to keep your body healthy or restore your health. I didn't know if it worked during my journey, but I didn't want to fail for not trying. So, despite mixed messages outside of the cancer world, I gave it a shot, and here are my takeaways.
The Mayo clinic has great medical research articles and is a good source of information. In the case of juicing, the Mayo clinic's first sentence is "juicing is no healthier than eating whole fruits and veggies." I know I should not laugh at science, but I'm about to. So, fruits and vegetables do not magically become healthier when they are smashed up in my fancy blending machine? Ok, got it. As it turns out, some people believe it is more beneficial, so the Mayo clinic is just doing its due diligence to clarify that it is not. Juice can pack in a lot of nutrition and is an excellent way to increase your nutrient intake if you cannot reach the goal of 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. In addition, having one or two servings of cruciferous vegetables has been linked to a decreased risk of several cancers, cardiovascular disease, and helps support the body's ability to detox. [1]
The key to juice drinking is to keep it healthy. You can do that by avoiding too much sugar intake. The ratio of fruit to vegetables is essential to stay around 3:1. Keeping this ratio could be particularly crucial for anyone who has diabetes. The multiple fruits can be consumed quickly in juice form and with that level of intake comes all of the fruit's natural sugars. Another key to safe juice consumption is to keep your juice refrigerated and be sure to discard it before it turns bad after about five days. Finally, ensure that you purchase organic fruits and vegetables where the pesticide traces might be high. You will want to familiarize yourself with the EWG's Dirty Dozen list. Use the list as a guide to know which fruits and vegetables to buy organic to avoid traces of pesticide.
Much of the reason that juice receives so much attention in the cancer world is related to its benefits. The benefits include body detoxification through the consumption of cruciferous vegetables. Consumption of these vegetables through juicing will encourage the production of enzymes that enable eliminating carcinogens. [3] Other benefits include the circulation of oxygenated blood, the killing of cancer cells, immune-boosting abilities, and free radical protection. [4] After learning of the benefits and knowing I had a tough time reaching the daily recommended vegetable allowances, the decision to consume juice was easy. It also offered me a sense of power over my health during a time when I needed it the most. Serious illness can leave you feeling powerless and juicing is a great way to feel in control or your health and boost your nutrient consumption. Here are my favorite juice recipe and the ones I stick to regularly. I will occasionally branch out, but these juices serve me well and I know that they are packed full of goodness.

Very Good Greens Juice
1 bunch of kale
2 cucumbers
A knob of ginger
1 cup of spinach
2 lemons
2 green apples
A sprig of parsley
For this recipe, you can use more or less of the spinach or kale depending on your tastes. However, make sure you stick to only two apples to keep the sugar levels down to a reasonable amount.
Can Heal Carrot Juice
4 to 5 large carrots
2 green apples
1/2 cup of pineapple or 4 slices of fresh pineapple
Fresh mint
A knob of ginger
Ingredient Health Benefits
Carrots - Rich in vitamin A and potassium. The best natural source for beta carotene and carnitine, which support cardiovascular health and could aid in preventing cancer and Alzheimer's.
Cucumbers- two phytonutrient compounds associated with anti-cancer benefits: lignans and cucurbitacins[5]
Green apples-High in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Green apples aid the benefits of chemotherapy, inhibits tumor growth, increases metabolism, and lowers LDL.
Ginger- Rich in vitamin c, folate, Potassium, choline, and magnesium. Ginger is a powerful antioxidant that can help fight disease.
Kale- Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, iron, calcium, and fiber. Good at removing unwanted toxins and boosting immune functioning.
Lemons-High in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin C and B4. Lemons
strengthen the immune system and helps maintain proper pH levels in the body.
Mint -Rich in vitamin A, C, B6, folate, and riboflavin. Mint boots energy, cleanses the blood, and aids in digestion.
Parsley- High in iron, vitamin K, A, C, folate and vitamin E. Parsley is antimicrobial, boost the immune system, and an anti-inflammatory agent.
Pineapples- Are high in manganese, vitamin A, phosphorous, vitamin C, vitamin B1, and bromelain. Pineapples display anti-cancer properties, has antioxidant properties, and prevents hypertension.
Spinach- High in potassium, calcium, vitamin C, B4, and E. Spinach fights acne, promotes cognitive functioning, has been shown slow aging, and aid in cancer prevention.
Final Thoughts
There are a few things to do before making your juice. Make sure to check the EGW's dirty dozen list and buy organic vegetables and fruits for any on the naughty list. Next, you will want to have a juicer and either a large pitcher to store your juice. See our blog on the Top 10 Juicing Needs. Lastly, make sure you thoroughly clean your items. If you plan to use your juice pulp, which you can, make sure to cut off any of the fruit or veggies that you do not want in your pulp. If you do not plan to use your pulp, you can keep everything whole, although you might want to cut large pieces to fit into your juicer.